Be proud of how far you've come


Be proud of how far you've come

We often focus on the mistakes we have made, the challenges we haven’t yet solved and the endless jobs we still need to do.

This is simply our brain’s negative bias in action. Historically for the survival of our species we needed to focus on problems and what could go wrong to help us avoid and respond to truly dangerous situations.

But today, we don’t need that bias to be in action all the time!

So this is your reminder to celebrate your small steps, your effort, the energy you put in to trying and the little changes you have made!

It’s also a reminder that it is NORMAL to take many, many attempts to get things in a good groove. Each attempt for change will have learning gems in there, even if it’s just that the approach you have been taking isn’t the right one. That’s good to know!

Here’s to growth, learning, accepting slow change and focusing on the good today.

Health Advice, Inspiration