Finding calm amongst the chaos


Finding calm amongst the chaos

Even though my inbox is overflowing, the washing is in 3 enormous piles and there are a million things I know ‘need doing’, I’ve been applying the lesson I learnt the hard way following a burnout I experienced 2.5 years ago.

I know the time to ‘take-5’ will never come, unless you decide to make it happen and learn to accept sitting still, amongst mess, chaos or whatever ‘unfinished’ looks like for you.

While the boys are running around in monster suits they made out of cardboard boxes, the fruit cake and soup I made for the week cool down, and dance monkey is playing loudly while the boys sing (out of tune!), I’m taking 5 to take a breath before I face the next thing. I’ll be better for it. My boys will be better off for it and I’ll be better at work tomorrow.

Growing up I had no modelling of rest. My Mum and Dad both worked, my Dad 7 days and crazy hours, he never allowed himself to take a break, so it’s been a late life lesson for me that at times, doing nothing is absolutely essential.

As the saying goes…

“Sometimes rest is the most productive thing you can do…”

Claire x