Seedy High Fibre Bread

Caire Turnbull seedy high fibre bread

Seedy high fibre bread

A delicious soft seedy loaf, packed with fibre and healthy fats that add lots of extra nutrition!

Makes: 1 Loaf
Prep Time: 20 minutes plus rising
Cooking Time: 25-30 minutes 


  • 7g sachet (1½ tsp) fast action dried yeast

  • 310ml lukewarm water

  • 1 tsp sugar

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 450g high grade or strong white flour

  • 1¼ cups of seeds in total, the mix I enjoy is:

    • ¼ cup sunflower seeds

    • ¼ cup pumpkin seeds

    • ¼ cup sesame seeds

    • ¼ cup poppy seeds

    • ¼ cup flaxseeds

  • Optional: ¼ cup chopped walnuts

How to make using a kitchen machine and dough hook
I use my Kenwood Chef for this.

  1. Place all the ingredients in the bowl

  2. Set the dough hook to the minimum speed to combine and form a soft dough

  3. Set a timer for 1 minute and knead on medium speed, then set a timer for 8 minutes and knead on speed 1 until smooth and elastic.

  4. Remove the bowl, cover with lightly oiled clear film and leave to rise in a warm place for 1 hour, or until doubled in size.

  5. Using the dough hook on minimum speed for 30-60 seconds gently knead the dough to knock back. Transfer to a lightly floured surface and shape.

  6. Place into an oiled loaf tin and cover with oiled clear film and leave to rise for 30-45 minutes, or until doubled in size.

  7. Preheat the oven to 220°C/425°F/gas 7. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until golden brown.