Diploma in Positive Psychology!


Celebrating - Diploma in Positive Psychology!

I PASSED! Finally. After a huge rollercoaster these past few years, I got there. A diploma in Positive Psychology done and dusted.

Taking this on while working full time on my two businesses, with two kids and my brain issue arising in the middle, I have to say was more than I could chew at times... but with the support of my amazing family and friends, plus accepting it was ok to ask for an extension (for the first time in my life!), it eventually got finished.

I started the diploma because I could see that the health issues I have supported people to work through for the last 20 years aren’t just about ‘not eating well’ or ‘not exercising enough’, but also as a result of how people think and feel about themselves.

To be able to improve your health and wellbeing, you need to get to the root of the problems not just deal with things on the surface, and that mission of discovery has become my passion. 

I’m deeply committed to supporting you, your friends, family and anyone who comes across my work to live your best life, and nope, that’s not a life where you’re always happy, or pretending to be happy all the time. Instead, a life that feels meaningful, a life where you can accept yourself, a life where you have the tools and skills to navigate this crazy, full-on, noisy world. 

It’s nice to take a moment to celebrate before I embark on my next exciting challenge - which is a good one… more on that soon xx