What you think of yourself, is much more important than what other people think of you


What you think of yourself, is much more important than what other people think of you

So often as adults, the harsh words, unkind looks and criticism we experienced as children still controls us to some degree.

Be it a one-off comment in the playground from one of the ‘popular kids’ or constant belittling from others, sometimes your peers, sometimes your own family…it can stay with you.

I had no friends at primary school, was picked on, spat at, called ugly, fat, stupid, dumb. I had big wonky front teeth and bugs bunny was my nick name, apparently because no one cared who I really was.

I moved schools so that my younger sibling could look out for me in the playground, but still I was lonely and believed that there was something wrong with me.

It took me so long to realise that those comments and definitions of me weren’t true. Rather, they were a game others played to help them feel better about themselves as a result of putting someone else down. A trait that is far too common, even in our adult world.

As I’ve got older, I’ve re written my narrative. I describe myself in my own words rather than others and remind myself constantly even now, what other people think of me is none of my business. What I think of me and what I bring to the world matters. I know what I’m here to do.

If you have been put down, called names, picked on… please know that just because people have said things to you, it doesn’t mean those things are true.

You get to decide who you are, what you’re about and how you want to show up.

I tell my boys this everyday as they navigate the school playground and the influence of others. It’s a tough old world out there but with the right mindset and tools, it can be managed.

You do you. You are enough and perfect just as you are, flaws and all xx

Health Advice, Inspiration